Summary - TST 22


TST 22

José Luis García Ruiz y Leonardo Caruana
Historia de una mutua patronal durante el franquismo: MAPFRE Mutua Patronal (FREMAP), 1966-1975.

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Key Words: Accident insurance, Mutual insurance societies. Business History, Foundations, Business management.

[ Abstract ]

The situation of the industrial accident insurance in the EU-15 is very different from country to country, but where a specific insurance exists the direct Government intervention is prevalent. In 1966 it was decided in Spain that non-profit employers’ mutual insurance societies, under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Labour, were responsible for insuring against accidents at work and occupational illnesses, a very singular situation within the European context. In this paper it is shown the history of MAPFRE Mutua Patronal (known as FREMAP since 1991) during its first ten years of existence, which coincides with the last phase of the Franco’s dictatorship, stressing the role played by its CEO, Carlos Álvarez-Jiménez, an outstanding personality in the Christian business management movement. The satisfactory performance of FREMAP, the market leader since 1984, helps to explain the continuity of the 1966 system in the democratic times that follows the Francoism.