Evaluation System


Papers must be sent to the Editor of the journal through a computer file attached to an email message to editor@tstrevista.com. The file format will be Word or similar. The Editor will acknowledge receipt within ten days. In addition, will have the capability to reject those papers whose content or formal defects are not adapted to the journal. All work must be original. The inclusion of published materials in the paper is accepted only if this does not change its novelty, and they are supplementary to the main thesis. The Editor who will assess this question, but the decision must be reported to the Editorial Board. Even after being approved by the referees, the publication of a text may be suspended if it is found that the paper is not original or it is writeen with distorted data.

Time to response to the author shall not be longer four months. The evaluation will be conducted by the method of "double-blind" so that neither the author nor the referees will know the identity of one or the others. There will be two referees for each article. No of them there will be in the Editorial Board, or will have any direct link with the author (eg, supervisor-doctoral student). In case there was a deep discrepancy in the valuation of the referees, the Editor may request a third evaluation, the outcome will be decisive. Referees can ask the Editor a certificate attesting to their work.

The author will receive a short e-mail from the Editor where it will be explained the reasons for the acceptance, of the changes that would be made for publication, or the its rejection. In addition, attachments of the reports from the referees. If the work is accepted with modifications, the Editor will be responsible for assessing whether those changes are introduced. This task is compulsory for the publication of the article. The corrected paper also will can be sent to the most critical referee. TST will publish in the last issue of each year the relationship of the evaluators, and a statistic with the rejection rate.


Referees 2010  -  Referees 2011  -  Referees 2012  -  Referees 2013  -  Referees 2014  -  Referees 2015  -  Referees 2016  -  Referees 2017  -  Referees 2018  -  Referees 2019  -